PowerSchool will be available for parents/guardians to complete returning student information that is required yearly.  You will receive a new unique snapcode for the 2022-2023 school year to access your student's data.              

Please check with your student for the snapcode.  

Several additional forms are required that must also be completed however they are not available in PowerSchool.   However, MSD is pleased to offer our patrons a way to complete them online or on paper.  

Therefore, if you wish to complete the additional forms online please go to our website bearkatz.k12.ar.us and click on the menu button for the drop down and select Student Additional Forms link.    Then click on the first form under high school for high school students or the first form under elementary for elementary students.   We are required to have each form listed for each student.  

2022 - 2023 Power School Returning Student Registration

Student Additional Forms