Melbourne Public School District
Public Information
Acts 1747 & 1803

ABOUT ACTS 1747 AND 1802

The 83rd General Assembly of the State of Arkansas passed Act 1747 of 2001 requiring school districts to publish on the district's web site:

  1. Minutes of regular and special meetings of the school board;

  2. The budget for the current fiscal year;

  3. A monthly expense report;

  4. Salary schedules for all employees;

  5. The annual audit report; and

  6. The annual Arkansas Statistical Report.

The 84th General Assembly of the State of Arkansas passed Act 1802 of 2003 requiring school districts to "... publish on the district's web site the school district's contracts with all school district employees, except no social security numbers shall be published, and the district salary schedules including the salary schedules for regular employees, supplemental and extended contract schedules, and classified employee schedules."